Of particular interest to commercial landlords, the recent decision of the court in SBP 2 SARL v 2 Southbank Tenant Ltd [2025]EWHC 16 (Ch) illustrates the risks to a landlord of simply cross-referring to Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (respectively, Section 123 and the 1986 Act) in the forfeiture provisions of a lease without specifying any amendments to the statutory language and thereby provides a reminder of the importance of careful and accurate drafting.
1. 들어가며
부동산PF에서 담보제공방식으로 저당권을 설정하지 않고 담보신탁을 활용하는 경우가 많습니다. 담보신탁을 하게 되면 담보물의 대내외적인 소유권이 수탁자에게 완전하게 이전되므로, 담보물에 대한 예상치 못한 집행을 방지할 수 있고, 채무자에 대한 회생절차가 개시되더라도 우선수익권을 회생절차에 의하지 않고 행사할 수 있는, 소위 '도산절연 효과'가 인정됩니다. 즉, 부동산 담보신탁 계약에서 우선수익자로 지정된 자는 통상 저당권과 유사한 담보권자의 지위를 확보하게 됩니다.
대상 판결(대법원 2024. 6. 27. 선고 2021다261704 판결)은 담보신탁에 따라 위탁자가 가지는 잔여대금 채권이 압류된 후 위탁자가 2순위 우선수익자를 지정하고, 다시 후순위 압류명령이 이루어진 사안에서, 공매에 따른 매각대금이 누구에게 귀속되는지에 대하여 판단하였습니다.
2. 사안의 개요
As of December 2024, insolvencies in the real estate sector accounted for approximately 22% of admitted cases under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC”), making it second only to the manufacturing sector that accounted for 37% of admitted cases.[1] The high volume of insolvencies in the real estate sector, the imperative to protect homebuyer interests and specific challenges faced by this sector have resulted in several amendments focused specifically on the insolvency process for real
We asked our team for their predictions of what they think 2025 might bring in the Property Disputes sector.
Insolvencies and Restructuring
At-a-glance cases provided by Gatehouse Chambers’ Insolvency Team, featuring:
According to ASIC insolvency data, there were 2,975 building companies that entered external administration in 2023-24, representing some 27% of all insolvencies.
The collapse of Porter Davis on 31 March 2023, left some 1,700 homeowners across Queensland and Victoria having to deal with the fallout.
These are extremely sobering figures. The reality for homeowners is that they are often left dealing with liquidators without many options and faced with substantial losses.
What can you do if you suspect your builder is facing financial difficulty?
The Hong Kong Government received 37 submissions from the public in July 2024 regarding the Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill (“Bill”) and held discussions with deputations from different stakeholders at a LegCo meeting on 16 July 2024.
Judgment was handed down on 30 September sanctioning the much-trailed restructuring plans for the Cineworld UK group of companies. The sanctioning of the Plans was widely expected, but drama came at the eleventh hour as a result of two last minute challenges brought by UK Commercial Property Finance Holdings ("UKCP") and the Crown Estate (both landlords of Cineworld leases). UKCP and the Crown Estate sought injunctions - not to challenge the Plans in themselves - but to order the removal of their leases from the Plans.